Friday, November 29, 2019


For more information, please read the pages on system requirements and compatibility. See Terms of Use for details. If you have PHP 5. It's highly recommended that you sign up for one of these lists if you're going to run a public MediaWiki, so you can be notified of security fixes. However, even though they can be viewed at Special: mediawiki 1.18.1

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Russian description of all patches. If you want to run on the latest development i. The following extensions are newly bundled with MediaWiki as of 1. Retrieved meriawiki " https: It was created just as a bundle that we use in our company; it includes 89 extensions, patched core and some maintenance tools and configs.

Release notes/1.18

A positive consequence is that the page content on wikis with multiple scripts is aligned according to the direction of the selected variant. Below is an overview of the most important changes; see the full release notes for an exhaustive list.

mediawiki 1.18.1

This includes an embedded description, author information, GPS coordinates, or copyright statement. Many localisations are updated regularly. Users of this version are advised to upgrade to version 1.

The primary source code repositories are under Mediawiki4Intranet medoawiki organisation. Upgrading MediaWiki Release Notes. Legacy skinning support is out the door and MediaWiki's SkinTemplate system has been enhanced to remove a lot of unnecessary boilerplate and allow custom skins to make use of the same set of page tabs organized into namespace, variant, view, and action groups that Vector introduced.

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See navigation on the left. View full list of Mediawiki4Intranet extensions. If upgrading from before 1. In English, this was not an issue since "User" matches both genders, but in some languages the neutral gender is always masculine; for example, this would cause French-speaking female Wikipedia users to be referred to as "Utilisateur" male user instead of "Utilisatrice" female user.

mediawiki 1.18.1

Mediawiki4Intranet is a MediaWiki distribution containing many extensions and patches useful for intranet and not only for intranet. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in.

If you have it on, turn it off if you can. Development Bug tracker Code repository Code docs Statistics. This page contains release notes for an unsupported version of MediaWiki. Note that this version is no longer supported.

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Mediawiki4Intranet contains many useful extensions, and many of them were created specially for it. This page was last edited on 23 Octoberat MediaWiki now detects the camera orientation from Exif metadata, and rotates the picture preview accordingly. Development Bug tracker Code repository Code docs Statistics. All one has to do is append?

Index of /mediawiki/1.18

Views Read View source View history. Documentation for both end-users and site administrators is available on MediaWiki. You can also view the latest source code in your browser.

mediawiki 1.18.1

Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo. Privacy mediawiko About MediaWiki. To browse, including even older versions, see the tags of the Git repository. Retrieved from " https:

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